A person displaying multiple face piercings.
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Piercing Unleashed: A Guide To Piercings

Piercing Unleashed Quick Reference:
History | Types Of Piercings | Myths | | Legal Age | Piercing Safety | Oral Piercings and Oral Health | Psychology of Piercings | Piercings & Employment | DIY Piercing | Procedure | Piercing Care | Jewelry Materials | Celebrities 

Let’s dive into the wild world of body modification and talk about one of the coolest ways to express yourself: PIERCING! It’s been around for ages, but is still going strong in today’s culture.

Check it out—body piercing is all about creating holes in your skin or cartilage and jazzing things up with some awesome jewelry. It’s come a long way from ancient rituals to becoming a full-blown fashion statement. From your typical earlobe to those wild nose, eyebrow, and tongue piercings, the sky’s the limit!

But why is it so dang important these days? Well, my friends, it’s all about self-expression and showing the world who you truly are. This form of body art gives you the power to break free from boring old norms and let your unique style shine. They let you create your very own canvas. Whether you rock a subtle stud, a badass septum ring, or a whole collection of ear bling, every choice you make tells a story and lets your true colors shine bright.

And let’s not forget the incredible sense of community that comes with it. It’s like a secret handshake among the pierced peeps out there. Online communities, social media platforms, and awesome conventions bring us all together. We inspire and support each other, celebrating our love for self-expression and body modification. It’s a beautiful thing.

Portrait of a bearded man wearing a black fur coat with piercings in the ears and lips against a dark background.


Piercing ain’t no recent trend, my friends. It’s been around for ages, popping up in various cultures throughout history. From ancient civilizations to indigenous tribes, it has played a significant role in cultural practices. For example, ancient Egyptians sported earlobe piercings as a symbol of wealth and social status, while Mayans adorned their tongues with piercings for religious rituals. Even in ancient Rome, it was a way to showcase bravery and demonstrate allegiance to certain groups.

Now let’s talk about symbolism because piercings aren’t just about looking cool. They hold deep meaning in different societies. For instance, in some African cultures, lip and earlobe piercings symbolize beauty and fertility. In Indian culture, nose piercings carry cultural and religious significance, often representing the status of married women. Similarly, septum piercings hold spiritual importance for certain Native American tribes, representing a connection to the divine.

In other societies, they can denote membership in certain groups or subcultures. For example, the punk movement of the 1970s embraced various body piercings as a form of rebellion and nonconformity. Today, they continue to serve as symbols of personal identity and expression, allowing individuals to embrace their uniqueness and challenge societal norms.

So, my enthusiasts, historical and cultural significance runs deep in the world of body piercing. From ancient civilizations to modern-day subcultures, they have left their mark across time and societies.


Let’s explore the different types of piercings that can take your style to the next level. Check out the following:

  • Ear: From traditional lobe piercings to cartilage like the helix and tragus, the ear becomes a canvas for creative adornment. Multiple ear piercings can create a unique and stunning constellation of jewelry, giving you a playful and versatile aesthetic.
  • Facial: If you’re looking to make a bold statement, facial piercings have got your back. From the eyebrow to the nose, lip, or even cheek piercings, these adornments add an edgy and daring flair to your overall look.
  • Body: Body piercings venture beyond the realm of ears and faces. Navel piercings, nipple piercings, and genital piercings offer a more intimate and sensual aesthetic. These piercings can be alluring, adding a touch of intrigue and personal expression that can be concealed or revealed as you desire. 
  • Surface: Surface piercings take piercing to another level, quite literally. These piercings are placed on flat surfaces of the body, such as the collarbone, wrist, or back, and they create a striking visual effect. Surface piercings can be intricate and require skilled placement to ensure their longevity. 
  • Dermal: For those looking for a truly unique and avant-garde style, dermals are the way to go. These piercings involve an anchor placed beneath the skin, with a visible decorative top. Dermals can be positioned almost anywhere on the body, allowing for endless possibilities of creativity and personalization.

So, each type of piercing brings its own aesthetic and charm to the table. Whether you’re going for the classic elegance of ear piercings, the boldness of facial piercings, the sensuality of body piercings, the uniqueness of surface piercings, or the avant-garde flair of dermal piercings, the choice is yours. 

Two women that both are sticking out their tongues and showing off their tongue piercings.


There’s a lot of misinformation floating around about piercings, so let’s dive in and debunk those common myths. Get ready for some truth bombs!

  • Myth #1: Piercings are super painful!
    Fact: Sure, you might feel a quick pinch or some pressure during the process, but with the right technique and a skilled piercer, the pain is often brief and tolerable. Plus, the adrenaline rush and the satisfaction of rocking your new bling make it totally worth it!
  • Myth #2: Piercings always get infected!
    Fact: Not so fast! While it’s true that infections can occur if proper aftercare is not followed, most heal just fine with proper care. Keeping the piercing clean, avoiding touching it with dirty hands, and following the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer can greatly reduce the risk of infection. 
  • Myth #3: You can’t donate blood if you have body piercings!
    Fact: False alarm, my friends! In most cases, having piercings does not automatically disqualify you from donating blood. While some organizations have specific guidelines, many accept blood donations from pierced individuals as long as the piercing is healed, clean, and meets their safety criteria. 
  • Myth #4: All piercings close up quickly if you remove the jewelry!
    Fact: Not necessarily! While some piercings may close up relatively quickly if you remove the jewelry, others can be a bit more forgiving. Factors such as the type of piercing, the length of time it has been healed, and individual differences play a role in how quickly a piercing may close.

Now you’re armed with the truth and ready to separate fact from fiction. Remember, not everything you hear about piercings is accurate, so stay informed and question those misconceptions. When in doubt, consult a professional piercer who can provide you with accurate information and guidance.


Let’s take a moment to talk about the legal side of things when it comes to getting pierced. 

When it comes to laws surrounding piercings, it’s important to know that they can vary from place to place. Different countries, states, and even cities may have their own regulations. Some jurisdictions might require specific licenses or permits for piercers and studios to ensure they meet certain health and safety standards. 

Depending on where you live, there may be age restrictions for certain types. These restrictions are in place to ensure the well-being and safety of minors. In many places, individuals below a certain age (often 18) may need parental consent to get pierced. This means that if you’re under the age limit, you’ll need a parent or legal guardian to accompany you and provide their consent before the piercing can take place.

Some areas might have stricter rules, while others may have more relaxed regulations. So, once again, do your research and check the local guidelines to make sure you’re in the know. And remember, these laws are there to protect you and ensure that you’re making informed choices about your body and well-being.

So, when it comes to legal and age considerations, knowledge is power. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your area to ensure a safe and enjoyable piercing experience. If you’re unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to a reputable piercing studio or consult with a professional piercer. 

Black gloved hands opening sterile  tools for a piercing.


We want you to rock your bling with confidence, so let’s dive into some safety guidelines and shed some light on the risks associated with unsafe practices.

First things first—safety guidelines are your best friends when it comes to body piercings. You want to ensure a safe and clean experience, so listen up! Find yourself a reputable body art studio that prioritizes hygiene and follows proper safety protocols. Make sure they use sterile equipment, including disposable needles and pre-packaged jewelry. 

When they are not done properly or in a clean environment, a whole range of issues can come knocking at your door. Infections are one of the big baddies. Dirty tools, unsterilized equipment, or poor aftercare can all lead to nasty infections that no one wants to deal with. So, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer like your life depends on it, because your piercing’s health definitely does!

Other risks include allergic reactions to low-quality or inappropriate materials, excessive bleeding due to improper piercing techniques, and even scarring or tissue damage if it’s not done correctly. We’re talking about some serious ouchies and long-term consequences, folks. That’s why it’s crucial to choose a skilled piercer who knows their stuff and values your safety above all else.

With these safety guidelines in mind, you can confidently rock your piercings without the worry of nasty complications. Stay safe, stay informed, and enjoy the journey of self-expression through your fabulous piercings.


Now, listen up, because oral piercings can be a bit of a dental disaster waiting to happen. One of the biggest concerns is damage to teeth and gums. Those shiny studs or hoops bouncing around in your mouth can accidentally chip or crack your teeth, and nobody wants a cracked smile, right? Plus, they can irritate your gums, leading to inflammation and potentially gum recession. Ouch! We want your gums to stay snug around your teeth, so let’s be careful with those piercings, shall we?

Another dental demon that lurks around these types of piercings is the risk of infection. The mouth is teeming with bacteria, and when you add a foreign object, it’s like a party invitation for those bacteria to wreak havoc. Infections can lead to swelling, pain, and even more serious complications if left untreated. So, keeping your mouth clean and practicing proper oral hygiene is absolutely crucial when you have an oral piercing.

Now, onto precautions and care. First and foremost, choose high-quality jewelry made from materials that are safe for oral use, such as surgical steel or titanium. Avoid cheap, low-quality materials that can cause allergic reactions or other complications. Secondly, clean it regularly using a gentle saline solution or an alcohol-free mouthwash. And hey, be mindful of what you put in your mouth—avoid chewing on the jewelry or playing with it, as this increases the risk of dental damage and irritation.

Lastly, don’t skimp on those dental check-ups! Regular visits to your dentist will ensure that any potential issues related to it are caught early. Your dentist can provide personalized advice, monitor your dental health, and address any concerns you may have.

A sad girl with blue hair that sports a pair of snakebites.


Piercings can hold immense emotional significance for individuals. For some, getting a one is an empowering act of self-expression, allowing them to showcase their unique style and personality. It’s like wearing a badge of honor that says, “This is who I am, and I’m proud of it!” Piercings become a part of their identity and a way to communicate something special about themselves to the world.

In the realm of personal expression, piercings offer a canvas for creativity and individuality. They allow us to break free from societal norms and embrace our true selves. Each piercing choice, from the placement to the style of jewelry, becomes a form of personal artistry. It’s a way to tell our stories, passions, and values without uttering a single word.

Moreover, the process of getting pierced can be a transformative and empowering experience. It’s a moment of courage, where we face our fears and step into our authentic selves. The act can evoke a rush of adrenaline, a surge of confidence, and a sense of liberation. It’s a powerful reminder of our ability to shape our bodies and our lives according to our desires.

But hey, let’s not forget that the psychological impact of piercings is deeply personal. Each individual may have their own unique reasons and emotional connections to their piercings. They become a part of our stories, our journeys, and our growth as individuals.

So, wear your body piercings with pride and let them be a reflection of your beautiful soul. They are more than just shiny pieces of jewelry—they hold emotional significance, personal expression, and a powerful sense of identity. Let them be a reminder of your strength, your individuality, and your journey of self-discovery.


Now, here’s the deal—professional acceptance of piercings can vary across different industries and workplaces. Some workplaces may have strict dress code policies that limit visible ones, while others may have a more relaxed and accepting attitude.

While some employers may have reservations about visible piercings, it’s crucial to remember that times are changing. Society’s attitudes towards body modification are evolving, and many workplaces are becoming more accepting of individual expression. Some companies even view them as a form of personal style and creativity, recognizing that they don’t impact an individual’s professional capabilities. 

That being said, it’s also important to be aware of the potential impact of them on employability, especially when entering more conservative fields. While it’s true that piercings should not define your abilities or worth, they can still influence first impressions and perceptions. Some employers might have biases or stereotypes about individuals with piercings, which can unfortunately affect their hiring decisions.

The key is to find a balance that allows you to express your individuality while still maintaining a professional appearance when needed. Consider the industry norms and expectations within your desired field. If visible piercings are a concern, explore options like clear retainers or smaller, more discreet jewelry that can be easily removed or hidden during professional interactions.

So, my comrades, be confident in who you are and the skills you bring to the table. Embrace your piercings as a part of your identity, but also be adaptable when necessary. Seek out workplaces that align with your values and appreciate your unique style. With the right combination of professionalism, skills, and self-expression, you can navigate the professional world with confidence and success.

A man with multiple piercings and stretched earlobes at a job interview.


Alright, my adventurous souls, let’s dive into the world of DIY piercings versus professional piercing services. We’re about to explore the risks and importance of seeking professional expertise when it comes to getting pierced. 

First things first, DIY piercings may sound tempting, but they come with a truckload of risks. When you venture into the realm of self-piercing, you’re essentially playing a dangerous game. Without proper knowledge, sterile equipment, and a skilled hand, you’re putting yourself at a higher risk of infections, complications, and downright disasters. We’re talking about potential pain, scarring, and even serious health issues. So, unless you’re a professional piercer yourself, it’s best to leave the DIY piercings to the experts.

Now, let’s talk about the importance of professional piercing services. When you choose to seek professional expertise, you’re placing your trust in skilled hands that have the knowledge and experience to perform safe and precise piercings. Professional piercers know the ins and outs of proper sterilization techniques, placement, and aftercare. They have the tools and expertise to minimize the risk of infections and complications. 

Seeking professional piercing services isn’t just about minimizing risks—it’s also about the experience and results. Professional piercers take the time to consult with you, understand your desires and preferences, and ensure that you get the piercing you envision. They have the eye for aesthetics and the skill to create beautiful and symmetrical piercings that enhance your unique features. 

Remember, your body deserves the best. DIY piercings might seem tempting, but the risks simply outweigh the thrill. Opting for professional piercing services is the way to go if you want to minimize risks, ensure proper hygiene, and achieve the desired results. 

A person in sterile pink gloves piercing the helix of a woman.


First things first, choosing the right studio is crucial. You want to ensure a safe and professional experience, so do your research, my friends. Look for studios that have a solid reputation, positive reviews, and experienced piercers who prioritize cleanliness and hygiene. Take a peek at their portfolios to get a sense of their expertise and style. And don’t be shy—ask questions! A reputable studio will be more than happy to address any concerns or queries you may have.

Once you’ve found your dream studio, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Consultation: Your piercer will have a chat with you to discuss the piercing you desire, placement options, and jewelry choices. 
  2. Preparation: Before the piercing begins, your piercer will clean the area and mark the precise placement. 
  3. Sterilization: Your piercer will use fresh, sterile equipment for your piercing. This includes disposable needles and pre-packaged jewelry. Safety first!
  4. Piercing: Get ready for the moment of truth! Your piercer will use a needle to create the hole. Take a deep breath, stay relaxed, and let the pro work their magic. 
  5. Jewelry Insertion: Once the hole is made, your piercer will carefully insert the chosen jewelry. They’ll make sure everything is securely in place and that you’re happy with the result.
  6. Aftercare Instructions: Your piercer will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing. They’ll cover topics like cleaning, avoiding irritants, and what to expect during the healing process.

So, my piercing aficionados, now you’re armed with some knowledge about the piercing process. Remember, choosing the right professional piercing services is key, so do your homework. 


Let’s talk a bit about the whole aftercare process when it comes to piercings. They’re a rad way to express your personality, right? But what comes next is equally important to keep them looking fab and infection-free. So, let’s break it down.

Remember, each body piercing is unique in its own way, so the aftercare can differ, here’s some examples:

  • Ear And Nose Piercings: Clean twice daily with saline solution. Avoid twisting or turning the jewelry, ’cause it’s more likely to irritate and delay the healing process.
  • Belly Button Piercings: These are a bit trickier due to their location. Clean them with saline solution, avoid tight clothing, and for the love of all things good, don’t submerge in water bodies like pools or hot tubs until fully healed.
  • Tongue And Lip Piercings: Mouthwashes are your best friends here, but go for the alcohol-free ones. Also, avoid spicy foods and smoking to prevent irritation.
  • Nipple piercings: Clean nipples with saline solution twice a day, avoid tight clothing, and be extra careful when lathering up in the shower to prevent snagging or irritation, especially if you use a loofah!
  • Genital Piercings: Cleanliness is crucial! Rinse with saline solution twice daily and always wash your hands before touching the area, while also avoiding sexual activities until fully healed.

Following these aftercare tips will get you well on your way to healing sooner rather than later.


Alrighty, let’s jump right into the juicy stuff about what kind of bling you should be looking to deck out your piercings with. Basically, the key here is to opt for materials that are hypoallergenic, high quality, and comfy for long-term wear. A cheap material might save your wallet but end up irritating your skin or even causing infections – and trust me, nobody wants that.

Here’s the cream of the crop:

  • Titanium: One of the MVP’s in the piercing world, titanium is super strong, lightweight and most importantly, it’s hypoallergenic. That means even if you have sensitive skin, you should be fine with this. Titanium can also be anodized to create various cool colors, so you get a double whammy – quality and aesthetics!
  • Surgical Stainless Steel: This guy is also a popular choice due to its affordability and durability. However, keep in mind that some folks with sensitive skin might react to the small amount of nickel content in there.
  • Gold: If you want to feel a bit fancy, 14K or 18K gold is a safe bet. But avoid anything less than 14K because it might contain alloys that can irritate your skin.
  • Niobium: This is a less common but equally awesome option. It’s hypoallergenic, can be anodized like titanium for a colorful finish, and it’s less expensive than gold.
  • Glass: Glass is non-porous and hypoallergenic, making it another safe option for body jewelry. It comes in a variety of colors and styles, too. But of course, it’s more delicate and can break if not handled with care.

Remember, what’s most important is that you feel comfortable and fabulous with your choice.

A piercer holding two handfuls of body jewelry.


Ah, the glittering world of celebrities! Let’s face it, when we see your fave celeb rocking a new piercing, we can’t help but consider getting one ourselves. These stars have the power to inspire trends, and we just love to follow suit.

So, who’s been shaking up the world lately?

  • Rihanna: First off, we’ve got our queen, RiRi, whose septum piercing had everyone running to their nearest piercing studio. Her badass yet glam approach totally popularized this once edgy nose piercing.
  • Beyoncé: Who could forget Beyoncé’s ear constellation? After she started sporting multiple piercings up her ear, the trend just skyrocketed.
  • Emma Watson: Known for her classy and minimalist style, Emma’s dainty helix has made many of us consider this less traditional ear piercing.
  • Zoe Kravitz: This rockstar babe’s many ear and nose piercings are total piercing goals.

And let’s not forget those celebrities who have taken their love of body art to the next level.

  • Chris Brown: Believe it or not, he’s got over a dozen, including facial ones.
  • Dennis Rodman: The ex-NBA player has had just about everything pierced. He’s known for his bold choices, which have definitely pushed the boundaries of the mainstream.

Remember, though, while it’s fun to get inspo from these celebs, you’ve gotta choose what feels right for you. Your body, your rules! You should feel like the superstar of your own life with any bling you choose to rock.

An unknown celebrity in a black top hat holding a microphone.


In wrapping things up, piercings are way more than just a fashion statement – they’re an expression of individuality, a nod to cultural traditions, and a bold testament to one’s personal style. Whether you’re into the understated elegance of a single lobe piercing, the daring allure of a septum ring, or you’re trailblazing your own unique body art route, your journey is sure to be an exciting one. Soak up the inspiration from celebs, keep in mind the golden rules of material quality, and most importantly, embrace the process as a fun and enriching personal experience. Remember, the body art world is vast and endlessly creative, and you’re in the driver’s seat. 

Need to find a piercer? Check out the Association of Professional Piercers.

Author: Scott S.

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